******************************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS ---------------------------------------------------------------- CFI2014 The 9th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Important Dates -------------------- Paper Submission : March 17, 2014 Acceptance Notification : April 28, 2014 Camera-Ready Manuscripts : May 12, 2014 Conference Dates : June 18-20, 2014 * Conference Date & Venue -------------------- Date : June 18 - 20, 2014 Venue : The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan * Topics -------------------- Contributions are solicited in all areas of research related to the Future Internet and applications on that network. Topics include, but are not limited to: - Clean-slate/dirty-slate Internet architectures - Addressing and routing architectures for future Internet - Management and control of future networks - Security, privacy and trust issues - Novel wireless, mobile & sensor network protocols - Delay- or disruption-tolerant networking (DTN) - Real-time creation of custom protocols for current communications - Geographic routing and location-aware services - Data-oriented architectures and information-centric networking - Situated and autonomic communications (SAC) - Machine-to-machine communications - the Internet of things - Programmable testbeds for the evaluation of future Internet services - Software-defined networking and network virtualization technology - Novel networked/mobile application concepts leveraging cloud computing - Economics aspects of future Internet - Transition aspect of future Internet - Green Internet * Paper Submission -------------------- Papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered. Submissions should follow the ACM Proceedings format (LaTeX or MS Word). For submission template and other details, please refer the submission guideline from CFI 2014 web site. Papers will be published in a conference proceeding and on-line. If you have any further questions, please send an email to info AT cfi2014.wide.ad.jp *Accepted regular and short papers will be published in the ACM proceedings (ISBN 978-1-4503-2759-6) in the ACM Digital Library. Copyrights shall be transferred to ACM. - Regular paper: Regular paper submission should be maximum SIX A4 pages in length. - Short (work in progress) paper: Short paper submission should be maximum FOUR A4 pages in length. *We also invite potential authors to submit poster papers to AsiaFI/CFI Joint Posters. The objectives are to offer opportunities for researchers to share their early results to a broad range of audience and to have discussion with fellow researchers in the relevant areas. Authors of rejected regular & short papers can selectively choose to be presented and published as AsiaFI/CFI Joint Posters. Poster papers will not be included in the ACM DL but will be published in ITRC Technical Report (ISSN 1882-6741). - Poster paper: Poster paper submission should be maximum TWO A4 pages in length. * Co-Sponsored by -------------------- - WIDE Project - JSPS 163rd Committee on Internet Technology (ITRC) * Technically Co-Sponsored by -------------------- - IEICE TC Internet Architecture - IEICE TC Network Virtualization - Asia Future Internet Forum (AsiaFI) * Hosted by -------------------- The University of Tokyo * In Cooperation with -------------------- ACM SIGCOMM. * Organizing Committee -------------------- + General co-Chairs: - Esaki Hiroshi (The University of Tokyo, Japan) + Liaison with ACM: - Dongman lee (KAIST, Korea) - Craig Partridge (BBN, USA) + Technical Program Committee co-Chairs: - Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto University, Japan) - Seong-Lyun Kim (Yonsei University, Korea) - Dirk Trossen (InterDigital UK, UK) + Publication Chair: - Hiroyuki Sato (The University of Tokyo, Japan) + Publicity Chair: - Daisuke Matsubara (Hitachi, Japan) + Local Arrangement Chair: - Yuji Sekiya (The University of Tokyo, Japan) + Steering Committee co-Chairs: - Jianping Wu (Tsinghua University, China) - Yanghee Choi (Seoul National University, Korea) - Jun Murai (Keio University, Japan) ********************************************************************************